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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

I know i have not been updating this blog for sometime..really sorry about that.. I know i have repeating myself but my work is kinda very busy so can't really update regularly..hope you all can understand..^^

Ok,some updates..I went to Bangkok on the 19 Dec 08 and came back on the 23rd Dec 08..not bad..have a great time shopping but mostly is buying for my family and my colleagues(they asked me to help them buy)..Life there as per normal,no riot or things like that.. get some really cheap things there..get that kind of satisfaction..especially the manicure and pedicure..so nice and only total of $16 for both!! But too bad I think it won't be able to last till Chinese New Year.. May need to spend money to do again ~~ sian~~

This year christmas eve went back to office to cler some stuff then went out with lynn and edric to watch Ip - man..really a nice show..kinda funny..went back around 11pm to wait for my mahjong kaki to come.. they came around 1 plus,i almost fell asleep..but on that day everyone seem really tired so not really in the mood to play..so sleepy..we played until around 6am,all of us surrender..

Actually my office is closed from 22 Dec 08 till 5 Jan 09 but I have been coming back to office to clear alot of things so it don't really seem like a holiday to me lor..waste my leave..Yesterday was the worst day throughout my days in Sales team.. I was too so angry with someone who doing things at his own sweet time.. I have already told him to check something before i left to Bangkok but when i'm back nothing was done..called him and asked,he actually answered:"oh,i didn see your mail. Later when i free then check lor" Is just a very simple thing and he actually drag for 2 weeks!!OMG!!Frankly speaking, I'm really very piss off with this person.. He sure have some attitube problem and have not been really responsible for his work..or maybe my post is too low to speak to him..~ARGH~ He really spoilt my whole day..My blood pressure sure shoot up alot after everything i talked to him.. and vomitting blood at the same time..i really cannot take it yesterday.. I feel really frustrated..a small little thing which can be settled within a day and i actually took so long and not yet settle!! My customer have been chasing me after for alot of things until none they are able to complete yet..keep calling and ask and ask, nothing is done!!Is there problem with my work performance or what?? so many things i can't even settle..now is still in the office waiting for them to forward me a email which i asked him to forward me yesterday!!really a waste of time..i wanna finish fast and leave..i did not sleep much yesterday night..sleep at 12 plus in the morning and wake up at 2.44am staring at the space cannot sleep..keep thinking whether can i finish the things by today anot..only able to sleep around 4 plus but was awaken by my mum at 6 plus..anyway i also need to prepare to go to work.. thinking to go office at a later time but my colleague,Claudia, said since i already wake up just go early..luckily these two days,she is with me in the office..if not yesterday i might just breakdown by all that rubbish.. I really hope i can faster finish all these..really..is there anyone who can help me to get the person's butt move!!

Claudia is going to finish her work soon but me??still waiting for that stupid email!! what time can i leave today??

When office reopen on the 5 Jan 09,I'll be busy preparing for the tradeshow which is from 12 - 16 Jan 09..only a week to prepare..hope we can rush out everything..think need to OT again..can earn more money!!

Ok la,ending here liao!! The email just came in!!YEAH!!

Take care everyone!!Happy New Year!!

Bye Bye!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Updating again....

here i am..updating this blog again...

Busy busy busy..this is what i always said in my post...but i'm really busy ar!!!
hahahahah...sometime i just seemed to have too much things to remember...my memory is not that good so all these is actually stressing me up..

For example today,one of my customer calling me on my handphone then after a few second another customer ccalling me on my office number..then my colleague call me and said the delivery is calling her to find me...oh my god...at that point of time.. my mind went blank..what customer is telling me on the phone,is not going in my mind..i keep asking the customer to repeat what she said as my mind not working even normal conversation seem unable to register in..i think the customer did feel a little weird as i don't seem to understand what she talking about.. i notice that too..but..i can't help it..so trying to cut the conversation short..

Working 7 days is kinda tired and fun too..going back to retail once again is something i wanted last time..work with my retail colleagues again is some thing that i really miss..really miss the time i worked with them last time...
But i notice my product knowledge is not updated..when working in retail during weekend,alot of things i do not know about the new products...is actually quite frusstrating...from knowing everything to know only certain thing is making me very frustrating..every single thing have to ask my colleagues..

Finally my tradeshow with my customers is over..the tradeshow havce added on to my work load...alot of things to prepare..i'm so glad that is over.. now just busy about the indent order which they are going to placed..seem like almost every post i have been talking about my work...hahahaha..now talk about something else..

Last friday we celebrate lue birthday...went to raffles city for dinner then went to ting house to play majong..hmm...at first fer should be joining us but end up because of some misunderstanding she went back home instead of joining us...We played majong until 5 plus then lue friend brian drive me and her back home.. really thank him alot..help me save on my taxi fare...only manage to win 8 bucks.. but at least did not lose is good enough...i don't have luck in winning big money,everytime is just win some amount..but really have fun time with lue,ting,li and jan..have been sometime we play majong together liao ar... How time flies...i know ting when i'm 7 years old,know li at 10 years old and jan,fer and lue at 11 years old... we have been good friends since primary school..more than 10 years liao...all of is 21 yrs old this year....WOW...getiing old sia...looking back at the primary school picture brought back alot of memories...we look so funny when we are in primary school..nerd..hahahahaha...

ok la,going to sleep liao..tomorrow still working..bye bye!!take care everyone!!

*to all my dearest friend~i may not always calling or messaging you all but in my heart i still remember all of you and love you all always!!!anything can still call me!!
Bomber..faster decide on a date to meet up la..clubbing or dinner also can...^^


Monday, September 08, 2008


Hi guys..i know i have not been updating my blog much and alot of people said is gathering spiderweb now.

I'm really sorry but I was really busy for almost the whole month and also next month.. Alot of things to settle at work..going crazy at times.. and from next week onwards, I'll be working part time job too..so wekday i'll be working on office then weekend will be at retail..Hahahaha..seem like my life just can't leave without retail..so i'll be working 7 days a week... Sorry guys,I might not be able to meet up with you all often..you can still meet me after work if you really wanna meet me.. I'll be free after work..

I really hope I can go for another hoilday.. greedy rite.. just went not long but dying for another one..Don't know why..i'm really tired.. feel like resting again.. before I collapse..hahahaha..

Did not manage to rest well these few days...so it make me even feel more tired.. making alot of mistake at work..shit..someday will really get some serious scolding..alot of event coming up..cannot afford to make another error again.. WAKE UP RACHEL LIM!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha...

Bombers!!Heard that we will be meeting up soon rite!!So long didn see all of you!! waiting to do some catching up with you all...all must come k!!

*I know is painful for you but you will understand in the future..trust me.. Jia you ba!!(This is what i sent to you but you did not received)

Ok la,kana caught by my sister and colleague that i'm blogging..gonna stop now.. Bye Bye!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I hate to say this but i have to admit that,I feel like i'm a totally nobody in the office.I have this strong feeling when i was in the meeting today. I feel so not needed in the meeting as when i tried to say something,will be cut off. That's irritating. Then when is time for next meeting and we still could not finish, my boss say I can stay there as I was not key person in the meeting..so in the sense i was not needed. SO WHY ASK ME TO ATTEND? As the meeting carry on,the warehouse delivery issue was brought up. This incident I have inform and explain to my manager before the meeting and when the incident happened i wxplain to her too. When this matter brought up,she said actually she do not really understand what happened. I was really shock as I explain to her twice and ask her do her understand what i'm saying,she say she do. So I was thinking,do I have a problem of making myself clear or she was not really listening to me 100%.. When in the meeting people talk or ask about inside sale thing, all of them was looking at my colleague only. I was like invisible.
Seriously speaking,I do feel like i was not needed at all. My colleague can handle every single thing and moreover not all things I was told including problem with customer-I don't even know until when it was mention in the meeting. I was like doing all those small small things only-making calls,key orders etc..
I'm not angry with anyone but just kinda frustrated about myself(why did I make myself in this kind of situation)I have never feel so "nobody" before. That kind of feeling "actually you don't really needed here" is making me feel frustrated. I'm havinga serious thought am I suitable in this job?who knows..
Whatever.I'm just waiting for my holiday that's all..


Wednesday, July 02, 2008


It have been some time since i last updated..Sorry guys..cos alot of work to do so really too busy to update..
Things is kinda fine for me now..finally able to cope with the work load...but i still have alot of things to learn..really alot...I will be having my own customer accounts soon..Hope everything will be fine and i won't cause any trouble that my poor colleague have to help me "clean my butt".

I do not know whether everyone know about this or not..I did not message anyone or call anyone and talk about this so don't think that "Wa,Rachel don't treat me as her friend anymore,did not call me and tell me about this". I feel that this type of things do not need to purposely call everyone and tell.. When i see you i'll update you.. hmm..But now i'm really kinda busy so decided to use blog to tell all of you..
Terrence and I broke up. I'm fine,don't worry about me... Terrence is fine too i think..hahahaha..He's much better now so everyone don't need to worry about us... Both of us doing fine now..

I'll be going Thailand on 12 July 08 so anyone need me to help him/her buy anything please drop me a message..I really hope that day will come faster..really need some rest now.. Mentally tired.. August i might be going Rendang too...If really can go i'll be very happy too... 1 more holiday trip!!!

That's all for now i think..i'm too tired to think of anything else to write.. Maybe i'll update again when i come back from Thailand...hahaahaha... I try..no promise.. ^^

Take care everyone!!!miss ya!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It has been a long time since i last updated my blog...

Hmm..there are somes changes in my life for these few months...But some actually i don't know is that good or bad....

I'm not working at Crocs Vivo City anymore...I'm now working at Crocs office!!! Working as inside sale specialise...

Everyone will sure say its good to go office and work...BUT i really really really miss my retail life and my colleagues...i miss them all..!!!Not saying that office is not good,but is not really what i like...i don't like keep one whole day sitting there and facing the computer...i don't like everyday there's meeting and chasing people for order or money...Actually just wanted to give it a try of office life but don't seem to to like it now...i don't think they will release me and let me go back retail that easy...

If time can turn back,i don't think i'll accept the offer...


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Time to update again!!!

Christmas coming!!!which mean i'm broke again...haiz...
Have been buying alot alot of presents..for friends and family... really hope my pay will come real soon...hahaha...i'm so broke that i can't buy any present for Terrence..

Now working at vivo is still ok beside the 2 persons i don't really like(Manager and supervisor)...Have been really busy these few weeks..they sale is like super good.. alot of thing sold out...is good that sale good but really very tired...hope that all these sale will help us to reach our target so i can get my commission...This month i won't be getting any..so hope for the next month...

My colleagues have been quite irritating these few days,now i know why kat will scratch them until like that..hahaha...cos they really deserve it... Yesterday jus wacked 2 of them...hahaha...i already told them to stop but still persist so i got no choice but to use FORCE...hahaha...i trapped both of them at the corner of the storeroom then keep pinching and beating them...my wrist was quite red cos 1 of them holding my wrist quite tight when i'm beating them...hahaha...actually it was quite fun...when i was beating them 1 of my colleagues video it down...but he refused to let me see..maybe afraid i will delete it off..

Will be going for a few christmas dinners this year..wonder will they have turkey... hahaha...yummy yummy...hahaha..sure get even fatter after christmas...hahaha...

ok la,going to stop here le..bye bye..update next time..

Friday, December 21, 2007
Rachel Lim
Always working working working~

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